[Event "ICC Blitz"]
[White "esoteric"]
[Black "jbennett"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "7r/p1k1qp2/2p1b1r1/4Pp1p/2PN2p1/1P2Q3/P4PPP/R4RK1 w - h6 0 25"]
{White to move, black just played h5. }
{Second best is Nxf5 (3.79), best is Nxe6+ (6.49) }
1. Nxe6+ Kb8 {There are three ways for black to take the knight, but }
{none of them are any good. For example, if Rxe6: }
(1... Rxe6
2. Qxa7+ Kc8
3. Qa8+ Kc7
4. Qxh8
2. Nd4 h4
3. Nxf5 Qe6
4. Nd4 Qe7
5. Rad1
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