[White "ElPaso"]
[Black "jbennett"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1bq1r2/pppp1pk1/8/4p3/2BNP1n1/2NP3P/PPP1KbP1/R2Q3R b - - 0 11"]
{White just played Nxd4. }
{The natural recapture exd4 (which was played) leads to a roughly equal position. }
{What should black have played? }
{Second best is exd4 (-0.63) best is Bxd4 (-3.14) }
2.hxg4 d5
3.Qd2 {Black threatened Bxg4+, winning the Queen}
4.Ke1 {Now black can capture the Bishop on c4, and will be a piece up. }
{However, Fritz thinks that this continuation is best: }
5.Nxd5 Rh8! {Ignoring the threat to the queen! }
{If Nxf6, then Rxh1 mates. }
{If Rxh8, then Rxh8 renews the threat of mate, and white will have to give
up a queen to avoid immediate mate. }
6.Rg1 Qh4+
7.Kf1 Bxg1
8.Kxg1 Raf8
{Black is up the exchange and has a winning attack. }
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