[White "straumann2"]
[Black "jbennett"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r3k2r/1bpq1p1p/p4p2/4pR1Q/4p3/6P1/PP1P3P/RBB3K1 b kq - 0 19"]
{Black to move, white just played Rxf5. }
{Second best is Qd4+ (-1.60), best is Qc6 (-2.03). }
{There are actually three good moves in this position, as the move }
{Qd5 also gives an advantage (-1.07). }
1... Qc6 {The continuation after Qd4+ goes: }
(1... Qd4+
2. Rf2 Qd5
3. Rxf6 e3
4. Qxf7+ Qxf7 {White gives up a rook to deflect black's queen. }
5. Rxf7 Kxf7
6. dxe3
2. Bc2 {In this line, white gives up a bishop to deflect black's queen. }
{White can defend the bishop with Rf1 or Qd1, but after e3 }
{white has to give up the rook to stop the mate on g2. }
2... Qxc2
3. Rxf6 Qc5+
4. Rf2 O-O-O
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