[White "Jarvin"]
[Black "jbennett"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r2q1rk1/1bp2pp1/p6p/1p1nN3/8/1B1PP2P/PPP3P1/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 16"]
{White to move, black just played Nxd5. }
{Second best is Qf3 (2.78), best is Qh5 (3.54). }
{Both moves are good, and also Nxf7 gives an advantage (1.93), }
{but Qh5 is best: }
1. Qh5 Qe7
2. e4 Nf6
3. Bxf7+ Rxf7
4. Qxf7+ Qxf7
5. Nxf7 Kxf7
6. e5 {Winning the knight. }
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