[White "Jim Bennett"]
[Black "Antonio Rabadan"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rn3k2/pbp3pB/1p2pp2/3qN3/3P4/P1n5/2P2QPP/R4RK1 b - - 0 16"]
{Black to move, white just played Bxh7. }
{Second best is Nc6 (1.19), best is Qxd4 (0.12) }
1... Qxd4
2. Ng6+ Ke8
3. Rae1 {If Qxd4, then Ne2+ wins the queen back, }
{so there is no way to avoid the exchange of queens. }
3... Qxf2+
4. Rxf2 Ne4
5. Rff1
{It's the old K+Q fork trick and I was lucky that my opponent }
{didn't spot it, as this would have equalized for him. }
{As it was, I retained an edge. }
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