[Black "jbennett"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r2q1rk1/p2n1pp1/1p1b1n1p/2Pp1b2/7B/1QP2N2/PP1NBPPP/2KR3R b - - 0 12"]
{Black to move, white just played dxc5. }
{Second best is bxc5 (-1.09), best is Nxc5 (-3.66) }
1... Nxc5
2. Qa3 {The queen is almost trapped. The only safe squares leave the }
{queen exposed to a discovered attack from the bishop. }
{If Qb5, then Bd7, and the queen is forced back to b4. }
2... Bd3
3. b4 {If Bxd3, then Nxd3+ wins the queen. }
3... Bxe2
4. bxc5 Bxc5
5. Qa4 Bxd1
6. Rxd1 Re8
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