[Event "ICC Blitz"]
[White "JDix2"]
[Black "jbennett"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3b1rk1/1p3qp1/p1np3p/3NnB2/4P3/5P2/PPP1Q3/R3K2R b KQ - 0 24"]
{Black to move, white just played Qe2. }
{Second best is Bh4+ (-0.01), best is Nd4 (-1.89) }
1... Nd4 {In the Bh4+ line, after Rxh4 then Nd4 is played also. }
2. Qf2 Nxf5
3. O-O-O {If white takes the knight, then black can take the knight }
{on d5. }
3... Ne7
4. Nc3 Ba5
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