[White "jbennett"]
[Black "bpasyn"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "3r1rk1/1p2qpp1/p1n2n1p/2p5/P1B1P1b1/2N2N2/1PP1QPPP/R3R1K1 b - - 0 17"]
{Black to move, white just played Qe2. }
{Second best is Rfe8 (0.00), best is Nd4 (-2.10) }
1... Nd4
2. Qf1 Bxf3 {Nxf3 is only about even (0.25): }
(2... Nxf3
3. gxf3 Bxf3
4. Re3
3. gxf3 {Best to take with the bishop first, because }
3... Nxf3+ {then the knight gets to fork the king and rook. }
{Nxc2, forking the rooks, is also good. }
4. Kh1 Rd4
5. Ba2 Nxe1
6. Rxe1 Rd2
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