[Site "Monte Carlo MNC"]
[Date "2004.03.26"]
[EventDate "2004.03.20"]
[Round "6"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Loek Van Wely"]
[Black "Alexander Morozevich"]
[ECO "D09"]
[WhiteElo "2617"]
[BlackElo "2732"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "2b2r1k/2p2qp1/1rn4p/2Rn4/1P1p4/Q4NP1/3N1PBP/4R1K1 w - - 0 26"]
{White to move, black just played Nd5. }
{Second best is b5 (0.88), best is Rxd5 (1.73) }
1. Rxd5 {Better than b5, which was played in the game. }
1... Qxd5
2. b5 {The point: double attack on the knight and the rook on f8. }
2... Kg8
3. Bf1 {Threatening to pin and win the queen. }
3... d3
4. bxc6 Rxc6
5. Qxd3 Qxd3
6. Bxd3
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