[Date "2009.08.01"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Rasmussen, Allan Stig"]
[Black "Robson, Ray"]
[WhiteElo "2536"]
[BlackElo "2491"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/3r1pp1/8/p4PPB/P1p5/1pN1n3/1P3k2/1RK5 b - - 0 39"]
{Black to move, white just played Bh5. }
{Second best is Nxf5 (-1.11), best is Ke1 (-4.49) }
1... Ke1! {Black is down a piece, but is winning due to the mating threats. }
{This simple king move tightens the noose around white's king. }
2. Ra1 {Ra1 is the suggested continuation from Fritz. }
{The actual game went like this: }
(2. f6 gxf6
3. gxf6 Rd2
4. Ra1 Rc2+
5. Kb1 Nf1 {and white resigned. If white tries Ne4 to stop the mate, then }
{Nd2+, and after the exchange on d2, Rc1# can't be stopped. }
2... Rd2
3. Kb1 Rc2
4. Ra3 Nf1
5. Rxb3 cxb3
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