[Event "ICC Blitz"]
[White "jbennett"]
[Black "ChessNE1"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r2q1rk1/ppp1bppp/3p1n2/4P3/1n1P2b1/3B1N2/P1QN1PPP/R1B1R1K1 w - - 0 14"]
{White to move, black just played Nb4. }
{Second best is Qb1 (-1.14), best is exf6 (2.75) }
1. exf6 Bxf6 {If Nxc2, then: }
(1... Nxc2
2. fxe7 Nxe1 {If Qd7, then: }
(2... Qd7
3. exf8Q+ Kxf8
4. Bxc2 {And white has a rook and three pieces for a queen. }
3. exd8Q Raxd8
4. Nxe1 {And white has three pieces for a rook. }
2. Bxh7+ Kh8
3. Qb3 Kxh7
4. Qxb4
Index of Financial Advice Posts
13 years ago
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