[White "WJC"]
[Black "jbennett"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r2q1rk1/pp1bp1bp/2n3pB/3p3n/P2P4/2NB1N1P/1P1Q1PP1/R4RK1 b - - 0 15"]
{Black to move, white just played Bh6. }
{Second best is Bxh3 (-0.13) and best is Rxf3 (-1.33). }
{It also works if you play Bxh6 before Rxf3. }
1... Rxf3
2. gxf3 Bxh3
3. Bxg7 {Notice that if white moves the rook on f1, then black }
{can play Nxd4, which threatens both Nb3, forking }
{queen and rook, and Nf3+ forking queen and king. }
3... Bxf1
4. Bh6 Bxd3
5. Qxd3 e6
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