[White "jbennett"]
[Black "redstarchampion"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r3kb1r/ppp1p1pp/5pqn/8/3P4/2N2NPQ/PPn1BP1P/1RB3K1 w kq - 0 12"]
{White to move, black just played Nh6. }
{Second best is Ne1 (1.55), threatening both Nxc2 and Bh5, }
{but best is Bxh6 (2.46). }
{The flashy Ne5, which was played, doesn't work as well as Ne1, }
{since black can play Qf5. }
1. Bxh6! Qxh6 {If 1... gxh6, then 2. Rd1, threatening Bd3 winning }
{the knight. If 2... Nb4 to save the knight, then Ne5 wins: }
(1... gxh6
2. Rd1 Nb4
3. Ne5 fxe5 {to stop Qd7# }
4. Bh5 )
2. Qf5 c6 {The knight's only move is Nb4, when Qb5+ wins it anyway }
3. Qxc2
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