[White "jbennett"]
[Black "HeIsLord"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "r1b1k1nr/pp1p1ppp/1q2p3/8/2P1P3/8/Pb1NQPPP/R1B1KB1R w KQkq - 0 10"]
{White to move, black just played Bxb2. }
{Second best is Rb1 (1.13), best is c5 (3.18) }
1. c5
(1. Rb1 {Rb1 doesn't win the bishop, because ... }
1... Bxc1
2. Rxb6 axb6
3. Qd1 {black can get bishop and rook for the queen. }
1... Qxc5 {If Qb4, then Rb1 wins the bishop. }
2. Bxb2 Nf6
3. e5 Nd5
4. Rc1 Qa5
5. Qb5
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