[White "jbennett"]
[Black "Fradley"]
[Result "*"]
[Annotator "JB"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "1n3rk1/p4pp1/7p/3Q4/2Nb4/1PPP2PK/P4q1P/RN6 b - - 0 21"]
{Black to move, white just played c3. }
{Second best is Qe1 or Qg1 (0.00), best is Qf1+ (-1.24). }
{Retreating the bishop with Bf6, for example, is not good because }
{it gives white time to play Nbd2, and then white is winning. }
1... Qf1+
2. Qg2 {Forced, as Kg4 and Kh4 both lose. }
(2. Kg4 Nd7 {If Kh4, start with Bf6+. }
3. Nbd2 {Notice that the Queen can't take the knight on d7, because }
{that would unpin the f pawn and then f5+ is deadly. }
3... Nf6+
4. Kh4 g5+
5. Qxg5+ hxg5+
6. Kxg5 Qxa1 {Game over dude! }
2... Qd1
3. Qd5 {If cxd4, then Qh5# }
3... Bxc3
4. Ne3 Qg1
5. Nxc3 Qxa1
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